

Financial 援助 for Graduate and Degree-Completion Programs

North Park University’s 奖学金, 金融援助, and tuition is specific to your graduate or degree-completion program. Choose your area of study below to learn more about the options available to you.

Graduate and Adult 财政援助流程

在北园大学, we work hard to provide a tuition rate that helps make it affordable to pursue a graduate education. We understand that a necessary part of choosing a school or degree is figuring out how much it will cost and how to pay the bill through a combination of personal contributions, 奖学金, 贷款, 奖助金, 或者其他来源.



You already know how valuable your degree will be, but do you know how affordable it can be? Check out detailed information about pricing, 奖学金, 奖助金, and 贷款 for undergraduate students in our School of Professional Studies.

Graduate Business and Nonprofit Programs

The 商学院 and 非营利组织管理 (SBNM) offers a variety of options to help you fund your graduate education. Learn about 奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款, and other benefits for which you may be eligible.

Graduate Education and Teacher Certification Programs

North Park’s 教育学院 (SOE) offers competitive pricing, 格兰特的机会, and tuition discounts to help professional educators further their careers.


音乐学院, 艺术, and Theatre (SMAT) offers two master degrees in vocal performance and collaborative piano—affordable and effective ways to further your career as a professional musician. 了解更多关于学费的信息, 奖学金, and other aid available to help you continue your education and advance your career.


The 护理学院 and 健康科学 (SNHS) offers generous 金融援助 options that may reduce your graduate program cost between 15 and 35 percent. Learn more about these options, as well as the rest of North Park’s 金融援助 details for graduate nursing students.

Graduate Clinical Counseling Program

North Park’s School of Professional Studies offers competitive pricing, 格兰特的机会, and tuition discounts to help students pursue their master of arts in clinical mental health counseling (CMHC).

Graduate Ministry and Theology Programs

North Park Theological 神学院 (NPTS) is committed to helping you respond to your call to ministry and service by providing an excellent and affordable education. Learn more about our comprehensive financing options, including full-tuition scholarship opportunities.